Colloquium 7.2: CAA Conference 2021 Call for Submissions

109th CAA Annual Conference, Virtual.
Deadline for abstract submissions: September 16, 2020.

We invite abstract submissions on presentation topics relevant to Communication Design research. Submissions should fall into one or more of the following areas: scholarly research, case studies, creative practice, or design pedagogy. We welcome proposals on a variety of topics across the field of communication design.

Accepted researchers will be required to produce a 6-minute videotaped presentation that will be published on the Design Incubation channel. The CAA conference session will consist of a moderated discussion of those presentations.

Submit an abstract of 300 words using the Design Incubation abstract submission form found here:

Submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed. Reviewers’ feedback will be returned. Accepted presentation abstracts will be published on the Design Incubation website.

109th CAA Annual Conference
February 10–13, 2021

Exact date and time, to be determined. This is a virtual conference event. Presenters will follow the basic membership and fee requirements of CAA.

We are accepting abstracts for presentations now until September 16, 2020.

CFP: The Fellowship Program at Design Incubation 2021

Call for Participation: 3-day academic design writing workshop. Applications accepted September 1– December 15, 2020.

Applications accepted: September 1–December 15, 2020.

Fellowship dates: June 3–June 5, 2021.

Location: Virtual.

Target Audience: Design academics in one or more of the following areas: graphic design, information design, branding, marketing, advertising, typography, web, interaction, film and video, animation, illustration, game design. Full-time tenure track or tenured faculty are given preference but any academic may apply.

Format: All Fellows accepted into the program participate in the Fellowship Workshop as part of the overall experience. The Fellowship workshops offers participants the opportunity to share and develop ideas for research and individual writing projects while receiving constructive feedback from faculty mentors and peers in their field.

Fellows arrive with a draft of their writing and work on this specific project throughout the various sessions of the Fellowship Workshop. Each meeting includes a number of short informational sessions and a session devoted to analyzing and editing written work. The remainder of the 3-day workshop will be focused on activities which allow participants to share their projects with peers and receive structured feedback. Between sessions, Fellows will have time to execute revisions, review others participants work, and engage in discussions. Initiation of and work on collaborative projects is encouraged.

For more further details visit:
The Fellowship Program at Design Incubation

To apply visit the application details and online form:
Fellowship Program format and online application process

For Frequently Asked Questions visit the FAQ page:
Fellowship Program frequently asked questions

Colloquium 7.3: Florida Atlantic University, Call for Submissions

Call for design research abstracts. Deadline: Saturday, January 9, 2021.

Submission Deadline: Saturday, January 9, 2021.

Event date: Saturday, April 10, 2021.

We invite designers—practitioners and educators—to submit abstracts of design research. This is a virtual event format.

Double-blind peer-reviewed colloquium abstracts will be published online. Please review the articles, Quick Start Guide for Writing Abstracts and Writing an Academic Research Abstract: For Communication Design Scholars prior to submitting.

Accepted presentations will be videotaped by the researchers and published online on the Design Incubation channel which are due by March 27, 2021. A moderated discussion will be held virtually on April 10, 2021. We encourage all attendees to watch the videos in advance of the moderated discussion. This event is open to all interested in Communication Design research.

Hosted by Camila Afanador-Llach, Assistant Professor + Graduate Coordinator, Graphic Design in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters at Florida Atlantic University

Presentations format is Pecha Kucha.

For more details, see the colloquia details and description. Abstracts can be submitted online for peer review.

Session 3: Teaching for Our Changing Industry

Robin Landa will be on a panel of experts, including Doug Davis and Thomas Kemeny discussing education of advertising.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 12 PM–2 PM EDT Even without a global pandemic on our hands, the methods with which we teach and empower our students — and ourselves — are forever being adjusted, revamped, and reinvented. In this session, speakers will discuss some of the latest trends in educating students for advertising and design-related fields. As a participant, you’ll be able to chat and compare notes with other educators, with the hopes of bringing back new ways of thinking to your respective classrooms and programs.

SPEAKERS Douglas Davis — Chair, B.F.A. in Communication Design, New York City College of Technology Thomas Kemeny — Author/Freelance Copywriter Robin Landa — Distinguished Professor/Author, Kean University

There are plenty of obstacles and challenges facing education in 2020. With the Global Educators Summit, we hope that we can all come together to share our thoughts and experiences in order to take them on. We hope you’ll join us in August! GLOBAL EDUCATORS SUMMIT
August 3, 5 & 7, 2020 LEARN MORE + REGISTER

450 W. 31st St.
6th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Design Incubation Writing Groups

Two groups, based on scheduling preferences and project type, are open to academics, researchers, and writers working in the field of communication design.

Design Incubation is pleased to announce a Writing Group program for the 2020–21 academic year.

Scholarly writing is an integral part of many design faculty’s research agenda. As designers and writers, we know it can be daunting to sit down in front of a blank screen. Participating in a writing group provides structure, support and feedback. It’s also a way to build accountability into your writing practice.

For a writing group to work, it requires a serious, regular commitment from each member. For this inaugural program, Design Incubation will assemble two groups based on scheduling preferences and project type. Details on the structure and varying levels of commitment for each of the two groups are outlined below. Groups are open to academics, researchers, and writers working in the field of communication design. We will give preference to full-time faculty. (At this time we are not accepting graduate students.) The cost is $55 for the year. Ten spots are available for the 2020/21 academic year.

Each group will have a participant who is the designated Coordinator, responsible for light administrative work, including scheduling meetings; maintaining group accountability goals; and communicating with the Writing Group program DI Chairs to provide updates on group progress and ongoing feedback on the program. Design Incubation will recognize the Coordinators on their website and the position can be used to demonstrate service to an organization at a national level.

Applications will be considered immediately upon submission and they can be submitted through August 5th, 2020 (Due to an overwhelming response, we have closed applications early). Design Incubation will provide official letters of acceptance to allow attendees to request funding from their institutions.

2020–21 Pilot Launch Groups

Each group will set a regular day and time to meet throughout the semester. A fixed meeting time reinforces the notion that your writing practice takes priority and promotes accountability.

Weekly Writing Accountability 

Best for: Faculty, writers, or researchers looking for accountability to establish a writing practice.

Description: The weekly accountability Writing Group will provide a support network for establishing a regular writing practice and help group members set and achieve goals related to writing and/or research. In addition to participating in weekly video conference meetings, members will be responsible for presenting a writing/research plan, maintaining a writing log, and completing readings related to writing. 

1-hour video conference call every week from August 2020–May 2021


  • Create a research/writing plan that details your project(s) and timeline(s)
  • Maintain a writing log including dates, times, and activity
  • Complete group-related assignments that may include readings, podcast episodes, or writing exercises

Bi-Weekly Writing Accountability 

Best for: Faculty, writers, or researchers looking for accountability to establish a writing practice but who cannot accommodate weekly meetings.

Description: The bi-weekly accountability Writing Group will provide a support network for establishing a regular writing practice and help group members set and achieve goals related to writing and/or research. In addition to participating in bi-weekly video conference meetings, members will be responsible for presenting a writing/research plan, maintaining a writing log, and completing readings related to writing. 

1-hour video conference call every other week from August 2020–May 2021


  • Create a research/writing plan that details your project(s) and timeline(s)
  • Maintain a writing log including dates, times, and activity
  • Complete group-related assignments that may include readings, podcast episodes, or writing exercises

Proviso: If you don’t show up for three meetings in a row, you may be dropped from the group. 

The 2020 Design Incubation Communication Design Awards

2020 Design Incubation Educators Awards competition in 4 categories: Creative Work, Published Research, Teaching, Service

Congratulation to the recipients of the 2020 Communication Design Awards!

Scholarship: Creative Works Awards

Winner: Cradlr: A Design Project for Refugee Children

Jing Zhou
Associate Professor
Department of Art and Design
Monmouth University


Jane Connory
Art, Design & Architecture
Swinburne University of Technology and Monash University

Scholarship: Published Research

None awarded

Service Award

Winner: Diseño y diáspora podcast

Mariana Salgado
Service Designer/ Lecturer
Ministry of the Interior in Finland

Andrés Fechtenholz
Julian Pereyra
Antonio Zimmermann
Mercedes Salgado

Runner-up: AIGA Design Educators Community SHIFT 2020 Virtual Summit

Alison Place
Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas

Liese Zahabi
Assistant Professor
University of New Hampshire

Alberto Rigau
Estudio Interlínea

Teaching Award

Winner: If This is Theory, Why Isn’t It Boring? Connecting traditional text[book]s to real-life contexts with Augmented Reality

Deborah Littlejohn
Associate Professor
College of Design
North Carolina State University

Special Award – joint winners

Jury Commendation for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Scholarship: Creative Works: Expanding the Canon:

Jane Connory

Service: Expanding the Canon:

Mariana Salgado

Graduate Student Awards

None awarded


Gail Anderson is an NYC-based designer, educator, and writer. She is Chair of BFA Design and BFA Advertising at the School of Visual Arts, and the creative director at Visual Arts Press. Anderson has served as a senior art director at Rolling Stone, creative director of design at SpotCo, and as a designer at The Boston Globe Sunday Magazine and Vintage Books. She has taught at SVA for close to thirty years and has co-authored 15 books on design, typography, and illustration with the fabulous Steven Heller. Anderson serves on the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee for the US Postal Service and the advisory board of Poster House. She is an AIGA Medalist and the 2018 recipient of the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Lifetime Achievement Award for Design. Her work is represented in the permanent collections of the Library of Congress, the Milton Glaser Design Archives, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Fatima Cassim, Ph.D., heads the Information Design division in the Department of Visual Arts at the University Pretoria, South Africa. In 2012, she received a Harvard South African Fellowship for a research residency at Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Her research focuses on the culture of design; in particular, she is interested in design activism and the possible impact it may have on design citizenship. Dr. Cassim is the co-editor of the accredited Image & Text journal and the Director of Education on the board of directors for Open Design, a South African NGO that uses and promotes design to innovate, educate and build resilient communities.

Denise Gonzales Crisp is a Professor of Graphic Design and Director of Graduate Programs for Graphic Design at North Carolina State University College of Design. She is the author of Graphic Design in Context: Typography (Thames & Hudson, 2011). Her juried and commissioned essays have been published in Design and Culture Journal, Design Observer, Design Research, The Design Dictionary, and other notable anthologies. Gonzales Crisp is a contributing editorial board member for Design and Culture Journal. A member of the graphic design professional organization American Institute of Graphic Arts since 1989, she has served on the Los Angeles chapter’s advisory board.

Paul J. Nini is a Professor and past Chairperson in the Department of Design at The Ohio State University, where he has also acted as Graduate Studies Chair and Coordinator of the Visual Communication Design undergraduate program. His professional service activities have included: board member of the Graphic Design Education Association; member of AIGA’s Design Educators Community steering committee; editorial board member for the ico-D journal Communication Design: Interdisciplinary and Graphic Design Research; and advisory board member for AIGA’s Dialectic journal. A collection of his academic writing can be found at –

Maria Rogal is a Professor of Graphic Design and leads the new Design & Visual Communications MFA at the University of Florida. She is the founder of D4D Lab, an award-winning initiative to co-design with indigenous entrepreneurs and subject matter experts to generate sustainable local outcomes supporting self-determination. She has lectured and published about social and co-design, recently co-authoring “CoDesigning for Development,” which appears in The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Design. Her research has been funded by AIGA, Sappi, and Fulbright programs, among others, and her creative design work has been featured in national and international juried exhibitions.

Teal Triggs, Ph.D., (Chair) is a Professor of Graphic Design and leads on the MPhil/Ph.D. programme in the School of Communication, Royal College of Art, London. As a graphic design historian, researcher and educator she lectures and broadcasts widely and her writings have appeared in numerous international design publications and edited books. Her recent books include: co-editor of The Graphic Design Reader (Bloomsbury), author of Fanzines (Thames & Hudson), and The School of Art (Wide Eyed) which was shortlisted for the ALCS 2016 Educational Writer’s Award. She is a Fellow of the Design Research Society, International Society of Typographic Designers and the Royal Society of Arts.

Design Incubation announces a call for nominations and entries for the 2020 awards for communication design educators and graduate students in the areas of scholarship, teaching, service. The aim of the awards program is to discover and recognize new scholarship (creative work and publications), teaching, and service in our broad and varied discipline. We hope to expand the design record, promote excellence and share knowledge within the field. 

This year, the jury also will be considering commendations for work covering the area of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion in communication design. We encourage submissions of work that relate to these areas for consideration.


We kindly ask colleagues and mentors to identify outstanding creative work, publications, teaching, and service being done by design educators and graduate students in our field and to nominate these individuals for an award. Nominations will be accepted from April 15 to July 31, 2020. 

Entry Guidelines

Entries will be accepted from June 1–August 31, 2020. Complete the online entry form with the following:

  • Title: Description of project and outcomes (not to exceed 500 words)
  • Supporting Materials (limited to 5-page medium resolution pdf of artwork; web links to websites, videos, other online resources; published documents or visual documents)
  • Bio of applicant/s (150 words per applicant)
  • Curriculum vitae of applicant/s

New Initiative for the 2020 Design Incubation Awards: Graduate Student Work 

Beginning this year, Design Incubation is accepting entries in a new juried area of Graduate Student Work. The future of communication design education begins with the work of future faculty and researchers in the field of Communication Design. Recognition of graduate student work will be grouped and reviewed in the categories of scholarship, creative projects, and service. Graduate students currently enrolled in graduate design programs are invited to submit scholarship, creative projects, and service projects they completed during graduate study or up to one year after graduation. 

Chicago Speculative Futures Event: Reimagine

Using Art and Design to Imagine Alternate Worlds

REIMAGINE is a panel talk with artists and designers who imagine alternate neighborhoods, societies, and worlds through their work.

Date And Time

Wed, July 29, 2020
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT

Join Chicago Speculative Futures for a moderated panel with Chicago artists where we will discuss the power of art and design to imagine alternate neighborhoods, societies, and worlds.

Artists and Projects:

“Dissecting Gang Lettering”

Sir Charles (artist)

Sir Charles is a pseudonym born from the gang violence that began to plague not only the streets in his neighborhood of Brighton Park, but also many other neighborhoods in Chicago. A drive-by shooting in 2015 at Shields Elementary School fueled his mission to combine Chicago gang lettering and culture with a personal twist of empowerment, forgiveness, and growth. This mission simultaneously documents personal struggles and battles with alcoholism and drug abuse as Sir Charles, or Life of a Busy Dad, as he’s also known, started a new chapter as a sober father for his daughter that continues to this day. In this panel, Sir Charles will dissect the gang letter font and discuss the connection between gang lettering and oppression, racism, segregation, and past economic issues, as well as the appeal of the lettering and its dual-lens in history.

“South Side Speculations”

Astha Thakkar (designer)

South Side Speculations asks what is possible for young people to investigate their neighborhoods’ histories and imagine how to build healthier and freer futures. Resisting progress narratives that promise things will always get better and nostalgic accounts of carefree pasts. This exhibition asks how economic, political, and cultural structures evolve in the past, present, and future. We imagine alternative physical and social infrastructures for neighborhoods and communities, detail complex social determinants of health, and ever-present policing. Redirecting our scale of imagination, we seek to challenge the idea that all problems have solutions. The work you will see, hear, and touch should provoke questions about how we want the future of Chicago’s South Side to look, as it resists easy answers based on dominant representations of the city today.

“The Fictional Nations of Föhn, Delta, and Afterlife”

Claire Rosas, Will Wright, Miguel Perez (artists), Heather Snyder Quinn (professor), Laura Rossi Garcia (exhibit designer)

As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, we are met with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty about our collective futures and identities. With an important election year before us in the United States, we wish to use this space to offer alternate ways of considering the idea of a “nation.” From peaceful utopias to unsettling technocratic states, The Fictional Nations of Föhn, Delta, and Holy Land presents three speculative societies that exist across time: a quiet mountainous sanctum in the Alps, erased from history; a colonized stratosphere, inhabited by evolved human lifeforms; and an afterlife devoid of earthly freedoms—not the eternal bliss for which we had hoped. Using design fiction to press the issue of what it means to live in a post-truth world, the exhibit showcases “real” artifacts and “factual” accounts from these three nations. The publications take the form of guidebooks, offering detailed records of their respective homelands—chronicling evolution, social unrest, customs, governments, design systems, and more. We present both the plausible and impossible within these narratives, hoping to convey a taste of the many possibilities our future world(s) can hold. These projects were created as part of an undergraduate design fiction assignment at DePaul University’s School of Design.

CFP Cross Journal Special Issue: Making Justice Together

Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2020.
Publication of special issue: June 2021.

Original papers are invited for peer-review that address one of the following three topics:

Generative Justice in Design

Journal: New Design Ideas (Azerbaijan)

Marginalized Identities in the Design of Aesthetics for Resistance

Journal: Image & Text (South Africa)

Interconnected Apart: Design Research(ers) in the Periphery, in Isolation

Journal: Wicked Solutions Annual (USA, forthcoming

About the Special Issue

Making Justice Together is a refereed cross-journal special issue edited by Audrey G. Bennett (University of Michigan, USA) that aims to face down injustice and inequity with the dissemination of criticism, history, research, and theory on the use of design resources collaboratively and cross-culturally to yield social justice. We intend the expression making justice together to be read in two ways. First, how can the collaborative processes of designing (making, fabricating, producing, prototyping, speculating, visualizing) integrate concepts of justice (inclusion, equity, diversity, access, freedom, democracy)? Second, how can the social process of justice (in institutions, civic spaces, legal systems, ecosystems, industry) benefit from design knowledge and resources?

Generative Justice in Design

co-edited by Ron Eglash, Ph.D., University of Michigan, USA

Journal: New Design Ideas (Azerbaijan)

Extractive economies, whether capitalist or communist, have similar failures. They extract value from ecological systems in the destruction of nature; from workers in the alienation of labor, and from civic life in the colonization of our social networks. The opposite is a generative economy: one in which value is not extracted, but rather circulated in unalienated form. For all three categories (ecological value, labor value, and social value) generative justice is defined as follows: The universal right to generate unalienated value and directly participate in its benefits; the rights of value generators to create their own conditions of production; and the rights of communities of value generation to nurture self-sustaining paths for its circulation. New opportunities for design in generative justice include agroecology, where forms of organic value circulate from plants to people and back again; commons-based peer production, which ranges from feminist makerspaces to localized currencies; and in platform cooperatives, where worker ownership is creating alternatives for everything from Uber to Facebook. By decolonizing the circular economy, design in generative justice exposes greenwashing and empowers Indigenous, anti-racist and queer theory critiques. How are designers facilitating generative justice, creating new innovations for unalienated value circulation that address grassroots empowerment, egalitarian futures, and ecological collaboration with our nonhuman allies? We seek original papers on this topic to be refereed for free publication in the New Design Ideas

Journal which is indexed in Scopus. Authors should follow the journal’s submission guidelines here and submit papers in APA style to Audrey Bennett ( and Ron Eglash (

Papers may take one of the following formats:

  • original articles (5000 words)
  • state-of-the-art reviews (2500 words)
  • short communications (1500 words)

Marginalized Identities in the Design of Aesthetics for Resistance

co-edited by Neeta Verma, University of Notre Dame, USA

Journal: Image & Text (South Africa)

From the Civil Rights era to present-day movements in the West like Me too and Black Lives Matter, it has been proven that organized resistance can make an impact on policy and bring about social change. Whereas historical protests typically have been centralized around leaders–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, Nelson Mandella and the Anti-Apartheid Movement, Mahatma Gandhi and the Quit India Movement through satyagraha (true principle and Ahimsa (non-violence)) for India’s Independence from Britain–today’s protests are more centralized around communication technology and media (e.g., #blacklivesmatter, #metoo, etc…). Movements no longer brand the leaders’ identities, instead they brand and operate around the core principles of the movements. What does it mean today to design for resistance particularly in the wake of the “lynching” of George Floyd by Minneapolis police? What are the affordances and constraints of marginalizing human identities and promoting mantras and slogans in the design of aesthetics for resistance? We seek original papers that address these questions and others to be refereed for publication in Image & Text. We invite original articles (5000 words) for peer review. Authors should follow the journal’s submission guidelines here and submit papers using Harvard Reference style to Audrey Bennett ( and Neeta Verma (

Interconnected Apart: Design Research(ers) in the Periphery, in Isolation

co-edited by Dan Wong, and New York City College of Technology, CUNY

Journal: Wicked Solutions Annual (USA, forthcoming)

Social distancing has created unprecedented challenges for underrepresented communities and the designers who work with them. The question is: When proximity and collaboration are constrained, what is the impact? This session will bring together designers who conduct research for and with underrepresented communities that are underserved, economically-disadvantaged, or marginalized. We seek papers that speak to the future of design research for and with communities within the periphery of society in terms of equity and access during this current period of social distancing. We also seek panelists who represent minority groups and can speak on related topics. We are particularly interested in design research and designers that “intersect” two or more underrepresented social and political identities and disciplines of design. We seek original papers on this topic to be refereed for publication in the new Wicked Solutions Research Annual of the CAA Committee on Design and Design Incubation. Papers should take the following format:

  • original articles (2500 words excluding bibliography) as Microsoft Word documents using Chicago Manual of Style, footnotes, and bibliography format for citations. The paper should include 1) Research question / Problem definition, 2) Methodology / Methods of data collection and analysis, 3) Data analysis and findings, 4) Conclusion, and 5) Bibliography. The content of your paper should include a statement of its original contribution to the discipline supported by an appropriate literature review. Please include four to six keywords with your paper.

Submit papers to Audrey Bennett ( and Dan Wong (

RGD Educator Webinar June 25 – How do we teach true resilience in young designers?

Thursday, June 25 at 12 PM Eastern Time

This panel discusses how to balance the need to deliver crafted design content with the need to build resilient and resourceful designers for an ever-changing industry. The webinar will be structured in the following format: The moderator will start with questions for each of the panelists, then we move to an open forum and finally take questions from the audience. The webinar will be about 1 hour in length.

Our panelists will answer the following questions:

What does modern-day resiliency look like?

How do employers know they are getting a flexible, adaptable designer who can change and mold with the times?

Defining why we need resilient designers. Why does this matter just as much as their portfolio?

How do we prepare designers for complete shifts in the working experience and changes in delivery and content?

How do we both deliver and challenge the students to be resourceful and self sufficient? 


Gail Anderson, Chair of BFA Design & BFA Advertising at the School of Visual Arts in NYC & Creative Director at Visual Arts Press at SVA

Greg Dubeau RGD, Part-time Professor at NSCAD University in Halifax & Freelance Graphic Designer

Hyein Lee RGD, Professor in BA Illustration program at Sheridan College in Oakville (ON) & Motion Designer

Saskia van Kampen RGD, Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University & Contemporary Visual


Bianca  DiPietro RGD, Program Coordinator & Professor at Humber College in Toronto Pricing RGD Members:

FREE Non-Members: One webinar – $30; Pkg of 4 – $100
Register here.

Others in this series

September 25: Student Edition – What did you not learn in school that you needed?

October 23: The facilitation versus delivery debate.

November 27: Connecting the industry to education. What can we do better?

Design and Culture: Call for Editorial Board Members

Design and Culture Call for Editorial Board Members: Associate Editors, Reviews Editors, Social Media Editor

Design and Culture, the official journal of the Design Studies Forum, is seeking scholars with an established record in the scholarship of design to join its international editorial board.  The Editorial Board, headed by the journal’s three editors-in-chief, is responsible for the operation of the journal.  The journal is currently published three times a year by Taylor and Francis.

Associate Editors
Associate Editors will participate in bi-annual or ad hoc internet meetings about the journal’s operation and strategic vision. They will actively promote the journal in their networks, will encourage the submission of high quality papers aligned to the journal’s vision, and will solicit special issues on emerging subjects of interest in the field. Associate Editors will guide the various stages of the -review process in accordance to the journal’s suggested timeline (they will be assigned 3-5 papers per year). They will be responsible for selecting and contacting peer reviewers, communicating with authors and reviewers, leading the revision and re-submission process, and producing recommendations to the editors-in-chief. Associate Editors are also expected to act as peer-reviewers per the request of other Associate Editors or the editors-in-chief. Associate Editors members should expect to dedicate a few days per month to the journal, and the initial appointment will be for three years. There is no remuneration for the position.

Reviews Editors
Reviews editors will work as a team of four under Reviews Editor-in-chief guidance, a position currently held by Maggie Taft. Reviews will include books, exhibitions and media, and each editor would likely be responsible for working on approximately six reviews per year. This would involve two annual e-meetings with the other review editors (i.e. email correspondence chains) to identify books, exhibitions, and media. Editors will interface with potential authors, distribute reviewer guidelines, set schedules for submission, and edit reviews through the revision process. Once complete, reviews are submitted to the journal’s editorial team at large. Review Editors will participate in additional bi-annual or ad hoc internet meetings about the journal’s operation and strategic vision. They will actively promote the journal in their networks. Review Editors should expect to dedicate a few days per month to the journal, and the initial appointment will be for three years. There is no remuneration for the position.

Social Media Editor
Social Media Editor will be responsible for the strategy and day-to-day operations of the journal’s social media presence across multiple platforms. We are looking for an academic or graduate student with both knowledge of design scholarship and experience in running social media platforms. Social Media Editor will participate in bi-annual or ad hoc internet meetings about the journal’s operation and strategic vision, and will be in contact with the editors-in-chief as needed. There is no remuneration for the position.

In your letter of interest please describe your scholarly expertise, and your experience with editorial or social media work.  To apply please email your letter of interest and CV to Laura McGuire at by June 30, 2020, with the subject line DC_Associate Editor , DC_Reviews Editor, or DC_Social Media Editor depending on the position you are applying for.