Arabic Lettering Workshop at the Type Directors Club

An exciting series of workshops about Arabic lettering is being offered at the Type Directors Club. This latest episode, participants will select important public signs from New York and will proceed to create the Arabic counterpart.

Kristyan Sarkis and Wael Morcos will be sharing their skills as type designers and graphic designers, teaching the main parameters that define the Arabic script and letterforms.

Where Industry Meets Academia: Who Is Leading the Pack in Design Research and Why?

A panel discussion will look at various aspects of design research and how the commercial industry and academic research is each providing value to the advancement of design.

A panel discussion at the upcoming 107th Annual CAA Conference 2019 in New York City.

Sponsored by the CAA Committee on Design. Chaired by Dan Wong, New York City College of Technology, CUNY.

Date: Thursday, February 14, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Place: New York Hilton Midtown – 2nd Floor – Regent


An Investigative Inquiry into Graphic Design Industry Research Practices
Rebecca Tegtmeyer 
Michigan State University

Feedback Loop: From the Classroom to Industry to the Classroom
Lilian Crum
Lawrence Technological University

A Multi-Modal Approach to Design Research
Heather Snyder Quinn 
DePaul University

Cultivating Empathetic Engagement through Participatory Design
Heidi Boisvert 
New York City College of Technology, CUNY

Our “Zone of Occlusion” and the Role of Design History in Design Research: New Discoveries about Bell Telephone Laboratories
Russell A. Flinchum 
North Carolina State University

On Feminism and Book Publishing, by Meaghan Barry

Meaghan Barry, 2016 Design Incubation Fellow, recently attended the Design Incubation Residency at Haddon Avenue Writing Institute to focus her attention on writing. 

The result of this effort was recently published at AIGA Eye on Design, titled Why are Even “Feminist” Book Cover Designs Still So Sexist?

This article explores the current representation of women in fiction, nonfiction, on book covers, and their consideration as authors, publishers, designers, and readers.

Writing Fellows Update: Book Review

Courtney Marchese, Associate Professor of Interactive Media and Design, Quinnipiac University, and Design Incubation Writing Fellow 2018, published a book review, Never Use Futura, in Design and Culture.

Courtney Marchese (2018) Never Use Futura, Design and Culture,DOI: 10.1080/17547075.2018.1512069

Writing Fellows Update: Book Review

Misty Thomas-Trout, Assistant Professor, University of Dayton and Design Incubation Fellow 2018 recently published a book review titled: Revival Types: Digital Typefaces Inspired by the Past in Design and Culture.

Misty Thomas-Trout (2018) Revival Types: Digital Typefaces Inspired by the Past, Design and Culture, DOI: 10.1080/17547075.2018.1511187

Announcement: Educators Communication Design Awards 2018

Design Incubation, the esteemed awards jury, and Bloomsbury Publishing is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018 Design Incubation Educators Awards in Communication Design. Thank you to all who entered the competition and those who participated in recognizing the efforts of academics in design research, teaching, and service. Jury chair, María Rogal, writes, “The common thread among these award winners is their ability to profoundly impact our world through design. They each inspire optimism and hope, and reinforce the potential of our discipline.”


Works in Process

Scholarship: Creative Work Award Winner

George Garrastegui
Assistant Professor
Communication Design
New York City College of Technology, CUNY

What Does Democratic Design Look Like? Establishing the Center for Design in the Public Interest at the University of California, Davis

Scholarship: Creative Work Award Runner Up

Susan Verba
University of California, Davis




Lowering Barriers to Access at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

Teaching Award Winner

Helen Armstrong
Associate Professor
North Carolina State University


LEAP Dialogues: The Educators Guide

Service Award Winner

Mariana Amatullo
Associate Professor
Parsons School of Design, The New School

Andrew Shea
Assistant Professor
Parsons School of Design, The New School

Jennifer May
Director, Designmatters
ArtCenter College of Design


Steven McCarthy 
Professor of Graphic Design
University of Minnesota in Minneapolis/St. Paul

Jorge Meza Aguilar 
Professor of Strategic Design and Provost for Outreach and Collaboration
Universidad Iberoamericana

Ruki Ravikumar  
Director of Education
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

Maria Rogal (Chair)
Professor of Design
University of Florida

Wendy Siuyi Wong 
Professor of Design and Graduate Program Director
York University


New York Times Article on Disability, by Elizabeth Guffey

We’re excited to read Elizabeth Guffey’s opinion article published in the New York Times yesterday.



A Symbol for ‘Nobody’ That’s Really for Everybody

The blue and white wheelchair icon is more than a guide to parking spots and ramps. It allows millions to fully participate in society.


UXCamp NYC is a one-day event with 24 45-minute sessions and workshops presented by thinkers and doers from all levels of experience. It is a day of gathering for people who are passionate about creating great experiences for people.

Sat, June 9, 2018
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM EDT

General Assembly
902 Broadway
New York, NY 10010


Call for Proposals: CAA Conference 2019 NYC

Session proposal deadline: April 27, 2018

CAA 2019 Annual Conference

New York, NY, February 13—16, 2019
New York Hilton Midtown

The CAA Annual Conference is the largest professional convening of art historians, artists, designers, curators, and others in the visual arts. Each year we offer sessions submitted by our members, committees, and affiliated societies offering a wide range of program content.

The Annual Conference Committee members review over 800 submissions each year. They take into account subject areas and themes that arise from accepted proposals to present as a broad and diverse a program as possible. The Committee selects approximately 250 sessions for each conference and it must, at times, make difficult decisions on submissions of high merit. This means that on occasion, quality submissions may not be selected.

The Call for Proposals gives CAA members the opportunity to submit for the 2019 CAA Annual Conference. Proposals must be submitted from March 1 through April 27, 2018.


Designing Disability: A New Book by Elizabeth Guffey

Design Incubation is excited to announce Elizabeth Guffey’s latest book published by Bloomsbury Publishing, titled Designing Disability: Symbols, Space, and Society. This book describes the development of disability as an idea. Disability, accessibility, its institutionalization, acceptance, and integration is considered within the context of design history.

In collaboration with Design Incubation and AIGA/NY Elizabeth Guffey will host the upcoming panel discussion and workshop, Designing for and Teaching Accessibility, on Saturday, April 14, 2018. There are still a few seats available so register today!