Submission Deadline: Saturday, July 24, 2021.
Event date: Saturday, October 23, 2021.
We invite designers—practitioners and educators—to submit abstracts of design research. This is a virtual event format.
Double-blind peer-reviewed colloquium abstracts will be published online. Please review the articles, Quick Start Guide for Writing Abstracts and Writing an Academic Research Abstract: For Communication Design Scholars prior to submitting.
Accepted presentations will be videotaped by the researchers and published online on the Design Incubation channel which is due by October 2, 2021. A moderated discussion will be held virtually on October 23, 2021. We encourage all attendees to watch the videos in advance of the moderated discussion. This event is open to all interested in Communication Design research.
Hosted by Christine Lhowe, Assistant Professor and Christine Krus, Professor of Art & Design, College of Communication and the Arts, Seton Hall University.
Presentations format is Pecha Kucha.
For more details, see the colloquia details and description. Abstracts can be submitted online for peer review.