Racism Untaught

John O’Neill Assistant Professor of Graphic Design University of Minnesota Duluth My presentation will speak to the legacy of how the graphic design industry throughout history has reflected racism in mass communication, shaping the attitudes and behaviors of the general public. Teaching graphic design students the racial impact of design is as important as instructing … Continue reading “Racism Untaught”

Drawing Type, Drawing Connections

Joel MasonProfessor Emeritus Department of Communication Design New York City College of Technology, CUNY In 1979, as a full-time member of the Communication Design department at NYC College of Technology, I was assigned Lettering and Typography, a first semester course teaching students to draw three basic alphabets: Caslon, Bodoni and Helvetica using the “built-up” method … Continue reading “Drawing Type, Drawing Connections”

Visualizing Mental Models

Joshua Korenblat Assistant Professor Graphic Design State University of New York at New Paltz Visual communicators can work at the center of ideas by understanding mental models. A mental model is an abstract representation of reality that enables thinking, understanding, and knowledge sharing. In his book Visual Complexity, Mapping Patterns of Information, researcher Manuel Lima … Continue reading “Visualizing Mental Models”

Multi-modal Interface Design: Communicating Design Through Presentation and Review

Peter Lusch Assistant Professor of Graphic Design College of Arts and Architecture Penn State Danielle Oprean Post-Doctoral Research Scholar Stuckeman Center for Design Computing Penn State Multi-modal visualization has long been considered important for design communication through representation and presentation, yet it has not been explored through an interface. In this presentation we discuss the … Continue reading “Multi-modal Interface Design: Communicating Design Through Presentation and Review”

Participatory Design Research and Social Practice: Postcard Exchange as a Generative Design Research Tool for Eliciting Stories

Hemalatha Venkataraman MFA Candidate Design Research and Development The Ohio State University In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way design is being approached. What once used to be a traditional form of addressing an ‘issue’ through creative problem-solving and designing artifacts has moved to a contemporary space where one seeks … Continue reading “Participatory Design Research and Social Practice: Postcard Exchange as a Generative Design Research Tool for Eliciting Stories”

Reveal, Empower, Propel: Design Education for a Tenacious Community

Herb Vincent Peterson Associate Professor of Design: Coordinator of Graphic Design Co-Founder of Marion Design Co. Division of Art + Design Indiana Wesleyan University Wendy Puffer Assistant Professor: Coordinator of Design for Social Impact Co-Founder of Marion Design Co. Division of Art + Design Indiana Wesleyan University No larger than 30,000 people and deeply bruised … Continue reading “Reveal, Empower, Propel: Design Education for a Tenacious Community”

Science Rules: Why Design Research Needs Scientific Research Classifications

Dennis CheathamAssistant Professor of Graphic Design Graduate Director, Experience Design MFA Miami University The multifaceted nature of design means that research activities related to it are difficult to define. For design researchers, educators, students, and practitioners, new knowledge production can look more like creative or scholarly activity than fact-finding research. In order to more effectively … Continue reading “Science Rules: Why Design Research Needs Scientific Research Classifications”