
Tina Korani Assistant Professor of Media Design School of Journalism and Mass Communications San Jose State University “Lines” is a project aiming to represent today’s society and the barriers that human beings are creating around themselves. This project explores human connections and separations, using the concept of dots and lines, in ways both literally and … Continue reading “Lines”

Portraits of Obama: Media, Fidelity, and the 44th President

Scholarship: Creative Work Award Winner Kareem Collie Lecturer Harvey Mudd Stanford University “In a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don’t always rank that high on the truth meter…information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather … Continue reading “Portraits of Obama: Media, Fidelity, and the 44th President”

Critical Making: Design and the Digital Humanities

Scholarship: Published Research Award Winner Jessica Barness Associate Professor, Kent State University Amy Papaelias Assistant Professor, SUNY New Paltz Our special issue of Visible Language journal, “Critical Making: Design and the Digital Humanities” (vol. 49, no. 3) locates where, how, and why critical making is emerging and the scholarly forms it takes. Visible Language journal … Continue reading “Critical Making: Design and the Digital Humanities”

The Sit&Tell Project

Service Award Winner Jenn Stucker Associate Professor Bowling Green State University The Sit&Tell Project was a multi-participatory community-based art project that connected communities through pulling up a chair and sharing stories of Strong Women of Toledo. The project collected 100 stories as told by Toledo citizens as storytellers on World Storytelling Day (WSD), March 20, … Continue reading “The Sit&Tell Project”

BMORE Than The Story

Teaching Award Winner Audra Buck-Coleman Associate Professor University of Maryland College Park The death of Freddie Gray and his treatment by police sparked anger, protest, and violence in Baltimore during April 2015. Mass media implicated area youth in the crime and destruction, whether they committed it or not. Their overriding narrative was pejorative and full … Continue reading “BMORE Than The Story”

Science Through Storybooks

Teaching Award Runner-up Martha Carothers Professor University of Delaware Students created visual storybooks to communicate scientific methods and principles about the ocean and aquatic life to children. The five storybooks teach the scientific findings of published research on tropical coral reef lionfish to children age three to seven. The concept of each individual storybook focuses … Continue reading “Science Through Storybooks”

White Plains Storefront Project: Art In Vacant Spaces

Teaching Award Runner-up Warren Lehrer Professor School of Art+Design, Purchase College, SUNY Founding Faculty Member, SVA (School of Visual Arts) Designer as Author Graduate Program” For two years in a row, the White Plains BID (Business Improvement District) asked me and my Community Design class at Purchase College, SUNY to “improve the visual appearance of … Continue reading “White Plains Storefront Project: Art In Vacant Spaces”

An Archive: The National Museum of African American History and Culture

Kelly Walters Assistant Professor of Design Art + Art History Department University of Connecticut In social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, the animated gif is used as a means to convey ideas, actions or beliefs to our friends or followers. When we want to convey our emotions more emphatically via text message … Continue reading “An Archive: The National Museum of African American History and Culture”

Graphic Design for Science

Gokhan Ersan Assistant Professor Department of Art & Design SUNY Binghamton  The history of science embodies both a development of ideas as well as notations and images that report and represent those ideas. My research involves utilizing modern visual art’s visual notation to give voice to contemporary researchers across the domains of engineering, natural sciences, … Continue reading “Graphic Design for Science”