Variant Letterforms

Monica Maccaux Assistant Professor Graphic Design University of Nevada, Reno When considering the multitudes of typeface choice on the market, how does one approach the challenge of designing a typeface that is different from the competition? With the abundance of typeface choices, why is there a need for yet another typeface to be designed? These … Continue reading “Variant Letterforms”

Guided Experiential Learning for Design Innovators

C.J. Yeh Professor, Assistant Chair Graphic Design Fashion Institute of Technology FIT is one of the pioneers in creative technology and design education. For this presentation, the founder of the Creative Technology program at FIT, C.J. Yeh, will introduce the most innovative design projects from FIT’s creative technology courses. FIT’s Creative Technology curriculum has strong … Continue reading “Guided Experiential Learning for Design Innovators”

Research for Designers

Meredith James Assistant Professor Graphic Design Portland State University There are a number of textbooks on the market for research strategies used by designers, from A Designer’s Research Manual by O’Grady and O’Grady, to Visual Research by Bestley and Noble, to Design Research by Laurel and Lunenfeld. These texts offer a range of approaches, from … Continue reading “Research for Designers”

Typographic Landscape Ecologies

Joshua Singer Associate Professor San Francisco State University Typographic Landscape Ecologies is an ongoing design research project that documents, maps, and visualizes typographic artifacts in the urban landscape as a way to explore cultural forces in the constructed world. The project presuppose a model of a semiotic landscape; a complex multi‐dimensional text or collection of … Continue reading “Typographic Landscape Ecologies”

Agents of Change: Inspiring the Next Generation of Art Directors

James Wojtowicz  Associate Director of Art Direction and Industry Development School of Advertising Academy of Art University San Francisco, California Many, if not most Art Directors did not plan on being Art Directors as a kid. There are lots of reasons why. Chances are they were tacitly, if not actively discouraged by parents and guidance counselors, from … Continue reading “Agents of Change: Inspiring the Next Generation of Art Directors”

Teaching Sea Changes

Andrea English Lecturer Department Of Design San José State University How can design education facilitate the relationship between the deepest passions of students and today’s urgent needs? How can design curricula teach students to creatively presence transformation, meaning, and compassion? The BA Senior capstone class at SJSU engages students at the creative intersection of their … Continue reading “Teaching Sea Changes”