The role Houston’s waterways play in the community
Enhancing Design Education: Students Skill Development through Technology in Blended Learning Environments
Strong positive correlations between students’ comfort with technology, its perceived importance for skill development, and overall satisfaction with the learning environment.
Service Design for Digital Tours: The Rixing Type Foundry Case
A traditional Chinese lead type manufacturer turned museum.
Designing Inclusive Engagements in Neighborhood Design Projects
Examining methods and comparing measures in civic research.
Collaborative Creativity and Digital Identity: Reimagining Authorship in the Digital Age
Insights into how the adaptability of digital content fosters both individual and collective creativity.
Design History Data: A Snapshot of US-based Undergraduate Programs
Graduating students may not understand the historical conditions that created their discipline.
Editorial Infographics: Bridging the Gap Between Complexity and Clarity in Design Education
Students now more effectively understand and display text, images and data.
Faith and Fiction — The Impact of AI on Spirituality and Design
How researching spiritual subcultures can illuminate the ways AI shapes belief systems.
Design + Co -Creation: Engaging Audiences through Cross-Disciplinary Co-Curation
How these methodologies lead to more interactive and meaningful exhibition experiences.
In Search of Feminism and Identity in Asia
A non-judgmental space dedicated to exploring the complexities of feminism within Asian Gen-Z cultures.