The Center was “founded” in response to a lack of design student cohesion and camaraderie.
Kaithi Script’s Revival: An Intersection of Design and Cultural Inheritance
Script revival serves as a means of reclaiming and preserving cultural identity.
A Sequence of Multiplicity
The design outcomes are realized through custom display typefaces, prints, posters, small books, animations, and mixed media. They generate a network of connections between projects.
Drawing Water: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Representing Water Performance
Graphic Design, Landscape Architecture, and Architecture represent an understanding of water systems beyond existing conventions.
Design + Visual Translation and Cultural Bridging
Recognizing that certain words, phrases, and cultural meanings are untranslatable.
Visualizing Faculty Salary Inequity: A Study of Salary Compression and Inversion and Its Impact in Higher Education
Empowering faculty with data-driven information to establish a transparent salary structure.
Typography as Racialization: Euro-American Craft and Asian Labor
Exploring the capacity of conventional genres of activity in graphic design to narrate historical phenomena.
10 Years of Design Incubation’s Colloquium Presentations: A Journey Through the Keywords Defining the Past Decade
From the desk of the Director of Peer Review
On the Consideration of a Black Grid
Keynote Address: Tenth Anniversary Colloquium
Copy, Transform, Combine: Extrapolating from 19th Century American Wood TypeOld World, New Forms: Extrapolating 19th Century American Wood Type
The repurposing of Variable OpenType technology as a tool of digital preservation