John Delacruz Professor of Advertising School of Journalism and Mass Communications San Jose State University Creativity is a powerful driver for brand communications. Entertaining and engaging, we tell the world stories across media channels that encourage consumption and allow brands a central role in shaping identities, communities and history. The skills learnt by students on … Continue reading “Be Good to Me: How Advertising Students Made San Jose Think Twice About Illegal Dumping”
Basic Web Design as Foundation of Publication Design
Bruno Ribeiro Assistant Professor of Graphic Design Department of Art and Design California Polytechnic State University When introduced to the design of print publications, students often struggle with type hierarchy and sometimes they lack appreciation for simplicity. Learning HTML and its tagging system, however, can help them in both matters. After taking their first web … Continue reading “Basic Web Design as Foundation of Publication Design”
Bridging the Business Design Gap
Martin Dominguez Adjunct Professor St. John’s University, Fordham University Service design is an emerging field that operates at the intersection of human-centered design, user-experience design and business execution. Despite two decades of academic and practical work in the field (see Service Design Network,, service design has only recently emerged as a field of interest … Continue reading “Bridging the Business Design Gap”
When the Process is the Product: Pollock, Gehry and the Illusion of Randomness
Craig Konyk, AIA Assistant Professor School of Public Architecture Michael Graves College Kean University This paper explores the role of randomness in the design process using two examples for the field of art and architecture as illustrative examples: Jackson Pollock and Frank Gehry. Both Pollock’s and Gehry’s work rely on the revelation of the process … Continue reading “When the Process is the Product: Pollock, Gehry and the Illusion of Randomness”
Towards an Understanding of Cinema’s Impact on Design Education
Jason Tselentis Associate Professor Of Design College Of Visual And Performing Arts Winthrop University In the classroom, design students who view documentary films such as Gary Hustwit’s “Helvetica” (2007), Douglas Wilson’s “Linotype” (2012), and Briar Levit’s “Graphic Means” learn about designers, the tools they use (or used), and the meaning behind their creations. Film viewings … Continue reading “Towards an Understanding of Cinema’s Impact on Design Education”
The 45th City: Visualizing and Experiencing Fake News
Jonathan Hanahan Assistant Professor, Communication Design Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts Washington University in St. Louis Fake news is a problem created by designers. It is a problem of aesthetics, not simply content or substance. Attempts to clarify the way information from any source is rendered in the walled gardens of our … Continue reading “The 45th City: Visualizing and Experiencing Fake News”
Rethinking the Capstone in a Graphic Design BFA Program
Regina Gardner Milan Lecturer Department of Art & Design University of Massachusetts Lowell Evolving the BFA capstone project to develop professional competencies for emerging designers. Encouraging students to develop projects that address their competencies and those that they need to develop. A year-long course sequence encouraging extensive creative exploration while working within developed constraints that … Continue reading “Rethinking the Capstone in a Graphic Design BFA Program”
Designfulness: Teaching Designers to Mindfully Create a Sustainable Future
Rachel Beth Egenhoefer Chair, Department of Art + Architecture Program Director & Associate Professor, Design University of San Francisco In today’s culture technology is speeding up our lives, creating the perceived need for everything to be faster, newer, better, sleeker, now! As we train the next wave of designers, they are faced with these challenges … Continue reading “Designfulness: Teaching Designers to Mindfully Create a Sustainable Future”
Theorizing Fashiontech as an Emerging Design Practice
Anne Galperin Associate Professor Graphic Design SUNY New Paltz Like so many other endeavors contemporary designers find themselves involved in, fashiontech (a marriage of conventional apparel and electronic/digital technology for fun and/or function) unites a variety of professionals in collaboration. Experience and interaction designers, industrial and fashion designers, engineers, programmers and users all have a … Continue reading “Theorizing Fashiontech as an Emerging Design Practice”
Teaching Inclusive Design: Design with Everyone in Mind
Ziddi Msangi Associate Professor Graphic Design UMass Dartmouth The World Health Organization defines disability as “a contextual variable”. One is more or less disabled by their interaction with a physical environment, social environment, or institutional environment. Inclusive Design aims to “reduce the experience of disability and enhance everyone’s experience and performance. Universal design standards were … Continue reading “Teaching Inclusive Design: Design with Everyone in Mind”