Colloquium Abstract Submissions


Envisioning South Africa’s Global Struggle Against Apartheid

Steffi Duarte Curatorial Research Assistant Product Design & Decorative Arts Department, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum Decorative Art & Design Department, Cleveland Museum of Art How can materiality and visual communication provide insight, however fleeting, into histories of past struggles?  Drawing on the ephemera and visual language of the global struggle against South African Apartheid, … Continue reading “Envisioning South Africa’s Global Struggle Against Apartheid”

The Fine Art of Persuasion: Corporate Advertising Design, Nation, and Empire in Modern Japan

Gennifer Weisenfeld Professor Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies Duke University This book tells the story of the birth of commercial art in Japan from the turn of the twentieth century through its global efflorescence in the total design event of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Until recently, there has been little systematic effort … Continue reading “The Fine Art of Persuasion: Corporate Advertising Design, Nation, and Empire in Modern Japan”

Big Data in Interactive Web Design

Vinoad Senguttuvan Senior Data Scientist Metis Big Data/Data Science has had a significant impact on the web, influencing the way we price flights, recommend movies and predict elections. Web Design, especially interactive web design, can now use Big Data to validate specific design choices and thereby improve upon its effectiveness. This talk will address how data science can pinpoint … Continue reading “Big Data in Interactive Web Design”

Self-Publishing in Higher Education: Meaning and Approach

James Pannafino Associate Professor Interactive and Graphic Design Millersville University, Pennsylvania Publishing a book is one of the most ambitious goals an educator can have. Recent changes in the publishing industry have created unique opportunities for new forms of distribution. Educators can now create legitimate scholarly outputs with self-publishing platforms utilizing both online and print … Continue reading “Self-Publishing in Higher Education: Meaning and Approach”

Villages in the City

Hui Xie Visiting Scholar in St. John’s University Associate Professor Graphic Design School of Art and Design Shenzhen Polytechnic XiLi Lake, Nanshan District Shenzhen, Guangdong, China “Men and women do not want to move back, but the mark of youth has been branded in their heart. This is not their hometown, but with a deep … Continue reading “Villages in the City”

On Technology, Design and Art: A Reformulation

Alex Liebergesell Associate Professor Pratt Institute Graduate Communications Design The term “design” (Latin designare, to designate) is defined as “intent.” Technology, from the Greek techné (art, craft), are tools derived from the deliberate application of knowledge. Design and technology are therefore inseparably rooted in their common meaning as the deliberate instantiation of ideas. Vilém Flusser, … Continue reading “On Technology, Design and Art: A Reformulation”

Membit: A Magic Time Machine

Jay Van Buren Artist, Designer CEO and Founder, LLC Co-Founder and CEO, Membit Inc. Places are part of our identity. Our memories and experiences are tied to places, and yet in a world where we increasingly use digital means for everything, there’s no good way to mark a place as special to us, or … Continue reading “Membit: A Magic Time Machine”