Hosting a Design Incubation Colloquium

Design Incubation hosts  four to six (4–6) colloquia per academic year. We welcome faculty and partner institutions nationally and internationally to host a colloquium.

Responsibilities of the host institution:

  • Provide a room with a projector and Internet access, that can hold 20 or more people for a minimum of 3 hours. (Note: Saturdays have the best attendance.)
  • Welcome/Promote the DI Colloquium event internally and/or regionally.
  • Engage faculty and graduate students at the home institution and other local colleges to attend.
  • Encourage them to submit abstracts for presentation, and/or to attend the event.
  • For colloquia outside the New York–TriState area, Design Incubation requires the host institution offer travel and lodging for two (2) Design Incubation facilitators.


  • Provide tea and coffee to participants.

Responsibilities of Design Incubation:

  • Promote the colloquium via the DI mailing list and website.
  • Process abstract submissions through blind peer review.
  • Notify participants of their acceptance to present.
  • Schedule the order of participant presentations.
  • Provide program for the colloquium.
  • Recognize faculty host, colloquium presenters and attendees on the website.
  • Publish abstracts (and presentations when available) on the website.

How to apply to host a colloquium:

Email your name and institutional affiliation with proposed dates or time of year you would like to host to: