
Design Incubation hosts 4 public colloquia per academic year at various design institutions. This is an opportunity for communication design academics and professional designers to present research, creative projects and practice, and receive feedback from peers. Titles, abstracts, and presenters names are published and archived on the Design Incubation website for reference.

Presenters are design faculty, graduate students and practicing designers. Presentations are limited to 6 minutes preferably Pecha Kucha style.

Review colloquia and abstracts of presentations. Attendees and presenters must review our Photography and Recording Notice.

Colloquia Abstract Submissions

Visit our online form to submit an abstract for peer review.

We invite proposals on topics relevant to communication design research. We seek the presentation of unique, groundbreaking, significant creative work, practice of design, case studies, contemporary practice and the academic and scholarly review of creative projects. We also consider new approaches to design education and pedagogy.

Abstract are accepted and peer reviewed on a rolling basis. So submit early to be added to a scheduled colloquium.

Submit an abstract of 300 words along with title, category (design research, teaching, or service), keywords, name and affiliation. Once received, the abstract will be sent to peers for review and feedback.

Presenters of Design Incubation colloquia will be asked to peer review abstract submissions. Applicants who do not pass peer review will receive recommendations for abstract resubmission.